

  • Exploring Immersive Virtual Environments for Well Placement Optimization in Reservoir Models. [pdf]
  • UCalgary Student Spotlight: interview about the thesis. [link]
  • Presentation
  1. Introduction [video]
  2. Connectivity Analysis [video]
  3. Immersive Virtual Environments [video]
  4. Evaluation [video]


  • High-level Authoring Tools in Augmented Reality: Analysis and Case Study. [pdf]


  • Mota, R.; Ferreira, N.; Silva, D.; Horga, M.; Lage, M.; Ceferino, L.; Alim, U.; Sharlin, E.; Miranda, F. "A Comparison of Spatiotemporal Visualizations for 3D Urban Analytics," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of VIS), 2022 (to appear).

  • Rocha, A.; Mota, R. C. R.; Alim, U.; Hamid, H.; Costa Sousa, M. "Illustrative Multivariate Visualization for Geological Modelling,” Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EuroVis). 37(3): 465-477, 2018.


  • Akyol, E.; Mota, R. C. R.; Somanath, S.,  "DiaFit: Designing Customizable Wearables for Type 1 Diabetes Monitoring," CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021. [Extended Abstract].

  • Mota, R. C. R.; Rocha, A.; Silva, J. D.; Alim, U. R.; Sharlin, E., "3De Interactive Lenses for Visualization in Virtual Environments," IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS). Berlin, Germany, 2018.

  • Sahaf Z., Hamdi H., Mota R. C. R., Maurer F., Costa Sousa M., "A Visual Analytics Framework for Exploring Uncertainties in Reservoir Models," International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP). Madeira, Portugal. 2018.

  • Stark, J. T.; Mota R. C. R.; Sharlin, E.; Tang, A., "Personal Space Intrusion in Human-Robot Collaboration,” ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2018. [Poster].

  • Sahaf Z., Marbouti M., Mota R. C., Alemasson H., Maurer F., Sousa M. C., "PipeVis: Interactive Visual Exploration of Pipeline Incident Data," in International EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA). Barcelona, Spain. 2017.

  • Mota, R. C. R., Cartwright, S., Sharlin, E.; Hamdi, H., Sousa, M. C., Chen, Z., "Exploring Immersive Interfaces for Well Placement Optimization in Reservoir Models," Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI). Tokyo, Japan. 2016. [pdf]

  • Mota, R. C. R., Rea, D. J., Le Tran, A., Young, J. E., Sharlin, E., Sousa, M. C., "Playing the 'Trust Game' with Robots: Social Strategies and Experiences," Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). New York, USA. 2016. [pdf]

  • Nayebi, M., Ruhe, G.,  Mota, R. C., and Mufti, M., "Analytics for Software Project Management - Where Are We and Where Do We Go?," in Actionable Analytics for Software Management (ACTION15), Lincoln, Nebr., USA, 2015.

  • Mota, R. C., Roberto, R., Teichrieb, V., "Authoring Tools in Augmented Reality: An Analysis and Classification of Content Design Tools," Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Fukuoka, Japan, 2015. [Poster] [pdf]

  • Mota, R. C. et al., "BlockIT: Tangible Interfaces for Music Education," Proceedings of the Workshop for Virtual and Augmented Reality (WRVA), São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 16-21, 2014. [pdf]


  • Sahaf, Z.; Mota, R. C. R.; Hamdi, H. Costa Sousa, M.; Maurer, F. (2018). An ROI Visual-Analytical Approach for Exploring Uncertainty in Reservoir Models. In: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. In Press, Springer International Publishing.

  • Roberto, R. A., Lima, J. P., Mota, R. C., Teichrieb, V. (2016) Authoring Tools for Augmented Reality: An Analysis and Classification of Content Design Tools. In: Marcus A. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Technological Contexts. DUXU 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9748. Springer, Cham. [pdf]


  • Mota, R. C., Sousa, M. C., Hamdi, H., Sharlin, E., Zhangxing, C.,  "A Visual Framework Reservoir Connectivity Analysis," in 78th European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers Conference & Exhibition. Vienna, Austria. 2016. [pdf]

  • Roberto, R., Lima, J. P., Mota, R. C., Teichrieb, V., "Authoring Tools for Augmented Reality: An Analysis and Classification of Content DesignTools," Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII). Toronto, Canada. 2016.

  • Sahaf, Z., Marbouti, M., Alemasson, H., Mota, R. C., Sousa, M. C., Maurer, F., "PipeVis: Interactive Visual Analytics of Pipeline Incident Data," in Young Pipeline Association of Canada Pipeline Conference (YPAC). Alberta, Canada. 2015.


  • Data Analytics in Augmented and Virtual Reality: Applications to the Oil and Gas Industry, the 38th Annual Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen (CAPL) Conference, 2017 Calgary, AB.

  • Mota, R. C. R., "Immersive Virtual Environments for Reservoir Analysis,” presented at the 9th Annual Reservoir Simulation Consortium Technical Symposium, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2017. [video - part 1] [video - part 2]

  • Mota, R. C., Sousa, M.C., Hamdi, H., Alim, U., Rocha, A., "Interactive Visualization for Reservoir Connectivity Analysis,” presented at the 1st Annual Reservoir Visualization Technical Symposium, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2015.